“When my kids were younger we used to collect toys to donate, and one day someone told me that kids can understand not having stuff, but they don’t understand being cold.”

-Tiffany Jenkins, Founder and Owner

Welcome to Open Arms Family Outreach

In the heart of the DFW metroplex, the cold can be unforgiving. But together, we believe that warmth is a right, not a luxury. Open Arms Family Outreach is a beacon of hope, dedicated to embracing families with warmth by donating quality coats to those in need. Our mission is to ensure that every child, adult, and elder in our community has the protection and comfort of a cozy coat.

Our Impact

Since our inception, we've wrapped thousands in the comfort of warmth, and our commitment grows with every chilling breeze. Our dedication is not just about the coat on one's back, but about the love and unity that can be shared within a community when we all reach out with open arms.